Friday 30 December 2011

SE7EN (1995)

The soundtrack used is very subtle but goes well with the scenery to create fear and suspense as you cannot see the persons face.
The handwriting used is also important and the way it comes on and off the screen. The things shown is abnormal and drags the audiences attention. The flashing words also catch the audience's attention.

At the beginning the hands give us a rough idea of what the film is going to be like.

Looking at the opening sequence of Se7en has made me think if I want to set my thriller opening like this. By this I mean using very obvious objects that suggest thriller or use less obvious objects that suggest thriller that's more discrete.

Psycho (1960)

The music used for the opening sequence is significant as it gives the audience an idea of how the film turns out.
I looked at this thriller because I like the use of little things used to connect with the audiences understanding.In my opening sequence I want every little detail to have relevance to the film. ( also like the way they show the credits on the screen it comes across as very effective.

Monday 26 December 2011


I found the opening interesting mainly because of the way the text it set out in the beginning. The first text we see says 'twisted pictures' but the way it appears on and off screen is significant as it adds to the story line of torture. ( Different texts continue to appear on the screen but this time with diegetic sounds coming from the scene whereas the text at the beginning had violent, screeching sounds. As you watch further you see that the the texts connect with the story. I like how they thought into the presentation of the credits I think it helps a lot with the audiences understanding of the story.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Barton Fink (1991)

Still working my way through the Coen Brother's movies. Just watched Barton Fink and I really enjoyed it. I know it's not typically classed as a thriller but I still thought that some aspects of it were worth noting down. At 1.22 there is a rather unique shot where the camera goes down the plug hole into the drain. These kinds of shots appear quite frequently in the film. I like the way you become a sort of snake which is travelling its way through the drains. It's a different way of making the viewer the 'voyeur'.

I also liked the shots of the typewriter in Barton Fink. The sound of the keys being hit were emphasized to make it sound more dramatic. I think a typewriter would be really cool to include as part of credits to a film.

Monday 19 December 2011

Black Mirror

Just started watching a series on Channel 4 called Black Mirror.

I thought the way the name of the show was presented was pretty cool: it says the name in distorted letters then the screen appears to crack over it. The image of the cracked glass is quite scary, particularly against a black background, and it makes you think of violence and the fact that glass can cut into things.

I am beginning to think that mirrors would be a good stimulus for the final video.

Blood Simple (1984)

I am working my way through some Coen Brother's films at the moment. The last one I watched was Blood Simple. I found the opening quite unusual as it takes place in one place and not a lot happens in it.

I liked the way diegetic sound is combined with the non-diegetic soundtrack in the opening. ( For example the sound of the windscreen wipers create the rhythm of the soundtrack and are made to sound like the drums. This slow steady beat also creates tension.

I also like the way the film shows the movement of the road-paint underneath the car. The dark lighting makes the shot more ambiguous, and suggests the fast movement of something like a bullet or a knife. (Later on in the film someone is shot)

Although I liked these two features I didn't really like the way we are thrown straight into the dialogue. I think that as viewers we should be given longer to take in the scene and get used to our surroundings. I found it difficult to concentrate on what they were saying and actually got quite bored.

After watching this opening I do feel that including dense dialogue straight away would not be a good idea. I definitely think that I will go down the more symbolic route, using objects and movement (similar to the road-paint) within the shots to subtly hint at the narrative.