Monday 19 December 2011

Blood Simple (1984)

I am working my way through some Coen Brother's films at the moment. The last one I watched was Blood Simple. I found the opening quite unusual as it takes place in one place and not a lot happens in it.

I liked the way diegetic sound is combined with the non-diegetic soundtrack in the opening. ( For example the sound of the windscreen wipers create the rhythm of the soundtrack and are made to sound like the drums. This slow steady beat also creates tension.

I also like the way the film shows the movement of the road-paint underneath the car. The dark lighting makes the shot more ambiguous, and suggests the fast movement of something like a bullet or a knife. (Later on in the film someone is shot)

Although I liked these two features I didn't really like the way we are thrown straight into the dialogue. I think that as viewers we should be given longer to take in the scene and get used to our surroundings. I found it difficult to concentrate on what they were saying and actually got quite bored.

After watching this opening I do feel that including dense dialogue straight away would not be a good idea. I definitely think that I will go down the more symbolic route, using objects and movement (similar to the road-paint) within the shots to subtly hint at the narrative.

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