Thursday 5 April 2012

Jess Gell-Question 4-Who would be the audience for your media product?

1)Creating the questionnaire
To find out who our target audience were, we created a questionnaire. We wanted our questionnaire to give us a general view on our audience's demographics, psycho-graphics and lifestyle, and also about their consumption of media products and what their general interests were. Our questionnaire featured more closed questions than open ones, as we felt it would easier to collaborate the results onto Microsoft Excel after they had been answered. However it also asked questions about their favourite artists, directors and films so that we could decide whether we had to appeal to a mainstream or independent audience. We decided to include questions about things like their preferred mode of transport, or preferred method of communication just in case we were going to feature any of these things in our film. If we were going to include things like that, we wanted to make sure that our audience could relate to them.

2)Distribution of the questionnaires
We distributed our questionnaires to a variety of people in our school to get a range of answers, as we thought that the wider the variety was of the results, the more freedom we would have in our film to experiment. I think next time we create a questionnaire, it would be good to experiment with online survey programs, as it would enable us to easily store the results digitally, and send the questionnaires to our audience via Social Networking/ emails.

Once we had collaborated the results we realised that a variety of answers in fact meant that we had to make our film appeal to a very wide audience, which was quite difficult, as we had to carefully consider each aspect of the film so that would appeal to our audience. To display our results, we used Microsoft Excel to create pie charts, which gave us a more visual way of viewing our audiences demographics and interests.
Our questionnaire results showed that we had quite a mainstream audience, as they were interested in mainstream films and music. We also found out that the main ethnicity was black/white British, and that our main audience was aged from 15-20.

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