Monday 30 April 2012

Question 5: How did you address/ attract your audience?

We produced a survey and handed it out to a variety of different ages, genders, ethnicities and from that created pie charts to easily display who are audience is and what they like in thriller movies. For example their favorite genre of music was Indie rock which we supplemented into our opening by creating our own so as to completely control the style to fit our audience's preferences. While the favorite genre of tv programme were drama and documentary which lead us to making our opening symbolic, and from a narrative's point of view to help build the drama and tension for our thriller's plot line. As our movie is certificate 15 it allowed us to be able to include alchohol and cigarretes, which we believe will intice ages 15 and up as it will either help them relate and feel connected to the main character or through their interest in rebellious drug use.

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