Tuesday 10 April 2012

Huda hashi- Question 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

We were told to give out questionnaires to find our target audience. By doing this it allowed us to work around their preferences and try and add things in that they might like to see.


We decided that we wanted our target audience to start from the age of 15. This is simply because we thought it would be better if we tried to engage those near to our ages so we could also relate to their suggestions. Our product would not be appropriate for those under that age as it involves alcohol and drugs (cigarettes). If we had used a younger age we would not be able to fulfil many of the requirements of the thriller genre which would effect the whole purpose of being assigned to do an opening of a psychological thriller as there would be many restrictions that come with it. Although we used age 15 we still had to work around the restriction we had, for example we were not allowed to dwell on inflicting pain. We tackled this by  only suggesting murder not actually filiming anyone get hurt. The use of dim/simple colours does not attract a younger target audience.


We don't have a specific gender our film would appeal to, we believe for it to be unisex. However all the character are male but that might still attract female audiences.


We believe our film to be aimed at any ethnic group as you can see we have a variety of ethnicities (the pictures of the police officers). This would effect our target audience as they might feel its not aimed at them if their ethnic background was not included. In our survey we had many different ethinic backgrounds, however, we did not decide to focus on just one but try and get a mixture of audiences.

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